Preparing For Eternity The Great Controversy
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The Great Controversy


The Great Controversy is one of the most eye opening books for these last days of our earth's history! Learn what's ahead regarding the last days and the Second Coming. Learn about the history of God's Church and the Protestant Reformation. Is the United States mentioned in the Bible? Find out in chapter 25.
Author - Ellen G. White

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Table of Contents


1. The Destruction of Jerusalem.....17

2. Persecution in the First Centuries.....39

3. An Era of Spiritual Darkness.....49

4. The Waldenses.....61

5. John Wycliffe.....79

6. Huss and Jerome.....97

7. Luther's Separation From Rome.....120

8. Luther Before the Diet.....145

9. The Swiss Reformer.....171

10. Progress of Reform in Germany.....185

11. Protest of the Princes.....197

12. The French Reformation.....211

13. The Netherlands and Scandinavia.....237

14. Later English Reformers.....245

15. The Bible & the French Revolution.....265

16. The Pilgrim Fathers.....289

17. Heralds of the Morning.....299

18. An American Reformer.....317

19. Light Through Darkness.....343

20. A Great Religious Awakening.....355

21. A Warning Rejected.....375

22. Prophecies Fulfilled.....391

23. What is the Sanctuary?.....409

24. In the Holy of Holies.....423

25. God's Law Immutable.....433

26. A Work of Reform.....451

27. Modern Revivals.....461

28. Facing Life's Record.....479

29. The Origin of Evil.....492

30. Enmity Between Man and Satan.....505

31. Agency of Evil Spirits.....511

32. Snares of Satan.....518

33. The First Great Deception.....531

34. Can Our Dead Speak to Us?.....551

35. Liberty of Conscience Threatened.....563

36. The Impending Conflict.....582

37. The Scriptures a Safeguard.....593

38. The Final Warning.....603

39. The Time of Trouble.....613

40. God's People Delivered.....635

41. Desolation to the Earth.....653

42. The Controversy Ended.....622

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