Chapter 67
Ancient and
Modern Sorcery
Scripture account of Saul's visit to the woman of Endor has been a source
of perplexity to many students of the Bible. There are some who take the
position that Samuel was actually present at the interview with Saul, but
the Bible itself furnishes sufficient ground for a contrary conclusion.
If, as claimed by some, Samuel was in heaven, he must have been summoned
thence, either by the power of God or by that of Satan. None can believe
for a moment that Satan had power to call the holy prophet of God from
heaven to honor the incantations of an abandoned woman. Nor can we
conclude that God summoned him to the witch's cave; for the Lord had
already refused to communicate with Saul, by dreams, by Urim, or by
prophets. 1 Samuel 28:6. These were God's own appointed mediums of
communication, and He did not pass them by to deliver the message through
the agent of Satan.
The message
itself is sufficient evidence of its origin. Its object was not to lead
Saul to repentance, but to urge him on to ruin; and this is not the work
of God, but of Satan. Furthermore, the act of Saul in consulting a
sorceress is cited in Scripture as one reason why he was rejected by God
and abandoned to destruction: "Saul died for his transgression which
he committed against the Lord, even against the word of the Lord, which he
kept not, and also for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, to
inquire of it; and inquired not of the Lord: therefore He slew him,
and turned the kingdom unto David the son of Jesse." 1 Chronicles
10:13, 14. Here it is distinctly stated that Saul inquired of the familiar
spirit, not of the Lord. He did not communicate with Samuel, the prophet
of God; but through the sorceress he held intercourse with Satan. Satan
could not present the real Samuel, but he did present a counterfeit, that
served his purpose of deception.
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Nearly all
forms of ancient sorcery and witchcraft were founded upon a belief in
communion with the dead. Those who practiced the arts of necromancy
claimed to have intercourse with departed spirits, and to obtain through
them a knowledge of future events. This custom of consulting the dead is
referred to in the prophecy of Isaiah: "When they shall say unto you,
Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep and
that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to
the dead?" Isaiah 8:19.
This same
belief in communion with the dead formed the cornerstone of heathen
idolatry. The gods of the heathen were believed to be the deified spirits
of departed heroes. Thus the religion of the heathen was a worship of the
dead. This is evident from the Scriptures. In the account of the sin of
Israel at Bethpeor, it is stated: "Israel abode in Shittim, and the
people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab. And they
called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods: and the people did
eat, and bowed down to their gods. And Israel joined himself unto Baalpeor."
Numbers 25:1-3. The psalmist tells us to what kind of gods these
sacrifices were offered. Speaking of the same apostasy of the Israelites,
he says, "They joined themselves also unto Baalpeor, and ate the
sacrifices of the dead" (Psalm 106:28); that is, sacrifices that
had been offered to the dead.
deification of the dead has held a prominent place in nearly every system
of heathenism, as has also the supposed communion with the dead. The gods
were believed to communicate their will to men, and also, when consulted,
to give them counsel. Of this character were the famous oracles of Greece
and Rome.
The belief in
communion with the dead is still held, even in professedly Christian
lands. Under the name of spiritualism the practice of communicating with
beings claiming to be the spirits of the departed has become widespread.
It is calculated to take hold of the sympathies of those who have laid
their loved ones in the grave. Spiritual beings sometimes appear to
persons in the form of their deceased friends, and relate incidents
connected with their lives and perform acts which they performed while
living. In this way they lead men to believe that their dead friends are
angels, hovering over them and communicating with
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them. Those who thus
assume to be the spirits of the departed are regarded with a certain
idolatry, and with many their word has greater weight than the word of
There are
many, however, who regard spiritualism as a mere imposture. The
manifestations by which it supports its claims to a supernatural character
are attributed to fraud on the part of the medium. But while it is true
that the results of trickery have often been palmed off as genuine
manifestations, there have also been marked evidences of supernatural
power. And many who reject spiritualism as the result of human skill or
cunning will, when confronted with manifestations which they cannot
account for upon this ground, be led to acknowledge its claims.
spiritualism and the forms of ancient witchcraft and idol worship--all
having communion with the dead as their vital principle--are founded upon
that first lie by which Satan beguiled Eve in Eden: "Ye shall not
surely die: for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, . . . ye
shall be as gods." Genesis 3:4, 5. Alike based upon falsehood and
perpetuating the same, they are alike from the father of lies.
The Hebrews
were expressly forbidden to engage in any manner in pretended communion
with the dead. God closed this door effectually when He said: "The
dead know not anything. . . . Neither have they any more a portion forever
in anything that is done under the sun." Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6.
"His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day
his thoughts perish." Psalm 146:4. And the Lord declared to Israel:
"The soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after
wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set My face against that
soul, and will cut him off from among his people." Leviticus 20:6.
"familiar spirits" were not the spirits of the dead, but evil
angels, the messengers of Satan. Ancient idolatry, which, as we have seen,
comprises both worship of the dead and pretended communion with them, is
declared by the Bible to have been demon worship. The apostle Paul, in
warning his brethren against participating, in any manner, in the idolatry
of their heathen neighbors, says, "The things which the Gentiles
sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God, and I would not that
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should have fellowship with devils." 1 Corinthians 10:20. The
psalmist, speaking of Israel, says that "they sacrificed their sons
and their daughters unto devils," and in the next verse he explains
that they sacrificed them "unto the idols of Canaan." Psalm
106:37, 38. In their supposed worship of dead men they were in reality
worshiping demons.
spiritualism, resting upon the same foundation, is but a revival in a new
form of the witchcraft and demon worship that God condemned and prohibited
of old. It is foretold in the Scriptures, which declare that "in the
latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing
spirits, and doctrines of devils." 1 Timothy 4:1. Paul, in his second
letter to the Thessalonians, points to the special working of Satan in
spiritualism as an event to take place immediately before the second
advent of Christ. Speaking of Christ's second coming, he declares that it
is "after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying
wonders." 2 Thessalonians 2:9. And Peter, describing the dangers to
which the church was to be exposed in the last days, says that as there
were false prophets who led Israel into sin, so there will be false
teachers, "who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying
the Lord that bought them. . . . And many shall follow their pernicious
ways." 2 Peter 2:1, 2. Here the apostle has pointed out one of the
marked characteristics of spiritualist teachers. They refuse to
acknowledge Christ as the Son of God. Concerning such teachers the beloved
John declares: "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the
Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever
denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father." 1 John 2:22, 23.
Spiritualism, by denying Christ, denies both the Father and the Son, and
the Bible pronounces it the manifestation of antichrist.
By the
prediction of Saul's doom, given through the woman of Endor, Satan planned
to ensnare the people of Israel. He hoped that they would be inspired with
confidence in the sorceress, and would be led to consult her. Thus they
would turn from God as their counselor and would place themselves under
the guidance of Satan. The lure by which spiritualism attracts the
multitudes is its pretended power to draw aside the veil from the future
and reveal to men what God has hidden. God has in His
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word opened before
us the great events of the future--all that it is essential for us to
know--and He has given us a safe guide for our feet amid all its perils;
but it is Satan's purpose to destroy men's confidence in God, to make them
dissatisfied with their condition in life, and to lead them to seek a
knowledge of what God has wisely veiled from them, and to despise what He
has revealed in His Holy Word.
There are
many who become restless when they cannot know the definite outcome of
affairs. They cannot endure uncertainty, and in their impatience they
refuse to wait to see the salvation of God. Apprehended evils drive them
nearly distracted. They give way to their rebellious feelings, and run
hither and thither in passionate grief, seeking intelligence concerning
that which has not been revealed. If they would but trust in God, and
watch unto prayer, they would find divine consolation. Their spirit would
be calmed by communion with God. The weary and the heavy-laden would find
rest unto their souls if they would only go to Jesus; but when they
neglect the means that God has ordained for their comfort, and resort to
other sources, hoping to learn what God has withheld, they commit the
error of Saul, and thereby gain only a knowledge of evil.
God is not
pleased with this course, and has expressed it in the most explicit terms.
This impatient haste to tear away the veil from the future reveals a lack
of faith in God and leaves the soul open to the suggestions of the master
deceiver. Satan leads men to consult those that have familiar spirits; and
by revealing hidden things of the past, he inspires confidence in his
power to foretell things to come. By experience gained through the long
ages he can reason from cause to effect and often forecast, with a degree
of accuracy, some of the future events of man's life. Thus he in enabled
to deceive poor, misguided souls and bring them under his power and lead
them captive at his will.
God has given
us the warning by His prophet: "When they shall say unto you, Seek
unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep and that
mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the
dead? To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this
word, it is because there is no light in them." Isaiah 8:19, 20.
Shall those
who have a holy God, infinite in wisdom and
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power, go unto wizards, whose
knowledge comes from intimacy with the enemy of our Lord? God Himself is
the light of His people; He bids them fix their eyes by faith upon the
glories that are veiled from human sight. The Sun of Righteousness sends
its bright beams into their hearts; they have light from the throne of
heaven, and they have no desire to turn away from the source of light to
the messengers of Satan.
The demon's
message to Saul, although it was a denunciation of sin and a prophecy of
retribution, was not meant to reform him, but to goad him to despair and
ruin. Oftener, however, it serves the tempter's purpose best to lure men
to destruction by flattery. The teaching of the demon gods in ancient
times fostered the vilest license. The divine precepts condemning sin and
enforcing righteousness were set aside; truth was light regarded, and
impurity was not only permitted but enjoined. Spiritualism declares that
there is no death, no sin, no judgment, no retribution; that "men are
unfallen demigods;" that desire is the highest law; and that man is
accountable only to himself. The barriers that God has erected to guard
truth, purity, and reverence are broken down, and many are thus emboldened
in sin. Does not such teaching suggest an origin similar to that of demon
The Lord
presented before Israel the results of holding communion with evil
spirits, in the abominations of the Canaanites: they were without natural
affection, idolaters, adulterers, murderers, and abominable by every
corrupt thought and revolting practice. Men do not know their own hearts;
for "the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately
wicked." Jeremiah 17:9. But God understands the tendencies of the
depraved nature of man. Then, as now, Satan was watching to bring about
conditions favorable to rebellion, that the people of Israel might make
themselves as abhorrent to God as were the Canaanites. The adversary of
souls is ever on the alert to open channels for the unrestrained flow of
evil in us; for he desires that we may be ruined, and be condemned before
Satan was
determined to keep his hold on the land of Canaan, and when it was made
the habitation of the children of Israel, and the law of God was made the
law of the land, he hated Israel with a cruel and malignant hatred and
plotted their destruction.
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Through the agency of evil spirits strange gods
were introduced; and because of transgression, the chosen people were
finally scattered from the Land of Promise. This history Satan is striving
to repeat in our day. God is leading His people out from the abominations
of the world, that they may keep His law; and because of this, the rage of
"the accuser of our brethren" knows no bounds. "The devil
is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath
but a short time." Revelation 12:10, 12. The antitypical land of
promise is just before us, and Satan is determined to destroy the people
of God and cut them off from their inheritance. The admonition,
"Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation" (Mark 14:38),
was never more needed than now.
The word of
the Lord to ancient Israel is addressed also to His people in this age:
"Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after
wizards, to be defiled by them;" "for all that do these things
are an abomination unto the Lord." Leviticus 19:31; Deuteronomy
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