
Oil Does Not Mix
With Water
prayed for his
disciples, "I
pray not that
thou shouldest
take them out of
the world, but
that thou
shouldest keep
them from the
evil." I have
given them thy
word; and the
world hath hated
them, because
they are not of
the world."
While Christians
are to be in the
world, they are
not to be of the
world. In order
to be a saving
power, they must
separate from
all worldliness.
As oil does not
mix with water,
so they are not
to mix with that
which God
condemns. They
must keep
"unspotted from
the world;" for
they can not
touch that which
is unclean, and
unpolluted. The
truth as it is
in Jesus must
sanctify their
souls. Its deep,
principles must
preside over
thought and word
and action.
On every hand
there is that
which would
tempt the
Christian to
forsake the
narrow way; but
those who would
perfect a
character fit
for eternity
must take the
will of God as
their standard,
entirely from
everything that
is displeasing
to him.
Thousands are
betrayed into
sin because they
leave the
citadel of the
heart unguarded.
They become
engrossed with
the cares of
this world, and
true godliness
is driven from
their hearts.
They rush
eagerly into
seeking to
accumulate more
of this world's
treasure. Thus
they place
themselves where
it is impossible
for them to
advance in the
Christian life.
"Be ye therefore
sober, and watch
unto prayer."
And while you
pray, strive
earnestly to
guard your heart
from all
pollution; for
prayer without
effort is a
solemn mockery.
Not The World
"Love not the
world, neither
the things that
are in the
world. If any
man love the
world, the love
of the Father is
not in him."
Every moment of
our time belongs
to God, and we
have no right so
to burden
ourselves with
cares that there
is no room in
our hearts for
his love. At the
same time, we
are to obey the
injunction, "Not
slothful in
business." We
are to labor,
that we may have
to give to him
that needs. God
does not desire
us to allow our
powers to rust
Christians must
work; they must
engage in
business; and
they can go a
certain length
in this line,
and commit no
sin against God.
But too often
Christians allow
the cares of
life to take the
time that
belongs to God.
They devote
their precious
moments to
business or to
amusement. Their
whole energies
are employed in
treasure. In so
doing they place
themselves on
ground. Many
Christians are
very careful
that all their
shall bear the
stamp of strict
honesty, but
dishonesty marks
their relations
with God.
Absorbed in
business, they
fail to perform
the duties they
owe to those
around them.
Their children
are not brought
up in the
nurture and
admonition of
the Lord. The
family altar is
private devotion
is forgotten.
instead of being
put first, are
given only the
second place.
God is robbed
because their
best thoughts
are given to the
world, because
their time is
spent on things
of minor
importance. Thus
they are ruined,
not because of
their dishonesty
in dealing with
their fellow
men, but because
they have
defrauded God of
what is
rightfully his
The maxim,
"Religion must
give way to
business, is
Satan's device
to lead men
astray." He who
follows this
rule may think
that he is the
soul of honor,
but his life is
one long act of
robbery against
God. And when
this life
closes, of what
use to him will
be the treasure
he has lost so
much to gain?
The Parable Of
The Foolish Rich
The folly of
giving all to
the world is
illustrated in
the parable of
the foolish rich
man. He had been
prospered by the
Lord, but
instead of
giving God what
was his due, "he
thought within
himself, saying,
What shall I do,
because I have
not room where
to bestow my
fruits? And he
said, This will
I do, I will
pull down my
barns, and build
greater; and
there will I
bestow all my
fruits and my
goods. And I
will say to my
soul, Soul, thou
hast much goods
laid up for many
years; take
thine ease, eat,
drink, and be
merry." Is it
any wonder that
the Lord said to
him: "Thou fool,
this night thy
soul shall be
required of
thee. Then whose
shall those
things be, which
thou hast
Like the rich
man, many today
are living
wholly for the
world. The
deception of the
enemy is upon
them, and their
senses are
perverted. Under
this spell they
eternal riches
for worldly
treasures, which
will be theirs
no longer when
their life
history closes;
and in God's
eyes they are
Through The Love
Of The World
Satan Deadens
The Senses Of
Through the love
of the world
Satan deadens
the senses of
men. Are you
going to allow
him to lead you
astray? It is
better for you
to struggle with
poverty now, to
endure privation
and neglect, to
see your
cherished hopes
shattered, and
to know that you
have a title to
the heavenly
mansions, than
to possess much
treasure, and in
the last great
day hear the
sentence: "I
know you not."
"Depart from me,
all ye workers
of iniquity."
But while
Christians are
to be distinct
from the world,
they are not to
raising a wall
themselves and
their fellows,
because of the
temptations that
they fear will
assail them.
They have a work
to do for those
around them.
Great sacrifices
have been made
for their
redemption, and
Christ says to
them, "Freely ye
have received,
freely give."
Temptations will
assail them,
their work will
be made hard;
for their foes
will be tireless
in their efforts
to dishearten
them. But Christ
is their Leader,
the Captain of
their salvation.
If they are
clothed with the
whole armor of
God, if they
fight as in view
of the heavenly
universe, they
will conquer in
his name.
The World's
Redeemer Was
Despised And
Rejected Of Men
When trials come
to those who
have separated
from the world,
is it not enough
for them to know
that Christ
endured the same
afflictions? He
was the Majesty
of heaven, the
well-beloved Son
of God. But when
he came to this
earth to deliver
men from the
bondage of sin,
they saw in him
no beauty, that
they should
desire him. They
did not
understand his
union with the
Father; they had
no conception of
his divine
character. "He
was in the
world, and the
world was made
by him, and the
world knew him
not." The
world's Redeemer
was "despised
and rejected of
men." Those whom
he came to save
esteemed him
smitten of God,
and afflicted."
Even so it is
with the
followers of
Christ. They are
the sons and
daughters of
God, joint-heirs
with Christ. The
kingdoms of the
world belong to
them. But
worldly men are
actuated by
principles; they
can understand
no others. They
see a people few
in number, weak
and unpopular,
against evil. In
their ranks very
few of the
wealthy or
learned are to
be seen. They
see them bearing
the cross of
acquainted with
sorrow and
grief. They see
them afflicting
their souls
before God,
chastened and
humbled because
of their sins.
All this the
world sees, and
they think that
there is nothing
desirable in the
lot of a
But though God's
people are
strangers among
men, accounted
weak, foolish,
and unworthy of
notice, though
the world fails
to discern the
that exists
between them and
God, yet they
are more
precious in his
sight than the
gold of Ophir.
"It doth not yet
appear what we
shall be; but we
know that, when
he shall appear,
we shall be like
him; for we
shall see him as
he is."
The Friendship
Of The World Is
Enmity With God
"Marvel not, my
brethren, if the
world hate you."
The followers of
Christ must not
be surprised if
they are not
recognized by
the world. As
the world
discerned not
Christ, as it
refused to
acknowledge his
divinity and
sonship, so it
will slight and
neglect his
followers. "The
world knoweth us
not," writes
John, "because
it knew him
not." But this
should not be a
source of
and trial. "Know
ye not," asks
James, "that the
friendship of
the world is
enmity with God?
therefore will
be a friend of
the world is the
enemy of God."
We are living in
the great day of
the day of
atonement, and
to each one
comes the word
of warning,
"Keep thyself
unspotted from
the world." You
cannot with
safety join
hands with the
world. "For all
that is in the
world, the lust
of the flesh,
and the lust of
the eyes, and
the pride of
life, is not of
the Father; but
is of the world.
And the world
passeth away,
and the lust
thereof; but he
that doeth the
will of God
forever." Better
than all the
friendship of
the world is the
friendship of
Jesus Christ.
Better than a
title to the
noblest palace
on the earth is
a title to the
mansions which
Christ has gone
to prepare. And
better than all
the words of
earthly praise,
will be the
words of Jesus
to his faithful
servants, "Come,
ye blessed of my
Father, inherit
the kingdom
prepared for you
from the
foundation of
the world.
Signs of the
Times, December
17, 1896.
Preparing For Eternity
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