Chapter 25
The Exodus
[This chapter is based
on Exodus 12:34-51;
13 to 15.]
their loins girt, with sandaled feet, and staff in hand, the people of
Israel had stood, hushed, awed, yet expectant, awaiting the royal mandate
that should bid them go forth. Before the morning broke, they were on
their way. During the plagues, as the manifestation of God's power had
kindled faith in the hearts of the bondmen and had struck terror to their
oppressors, the Israelites had gradually assembled themselves in Goshen;
and notwithstanding the suddenness of their flight, some provision had
already been made for the necessary organization and control of the moving
multitudes, they being divided into companies, under appointed leaders.
And they went
out, "about six hundred thousand on foot that were men, beside
children. And a mixed multitude went up also with them." In this
multitude were not only those who were actuated by faith in the God of
Israel, but also a far greater number who desired only to escape from the
plagues, or who followed in the wake of the moving multitudes merely from
excitement and curiosity. This class were ever a hindrance and a snare to
The people
took also with them "flocks, and herds, even very much cattle."
These were the property of the Israelites, who had never sold their
possessions to the king, as had the Egyptians. Jacob and his sons had
brought their flocks and herds with them to Egypt, where they had greatly
increased. Before leaving Egypt, the people, by the direction of Moses,
claimed a recompense for their unpaid labor; and the Egyptians were too
eager to be freed from their presence to refuse them. The bondmen went
forth laden with the spoil of their oppressors.
That day
completed the history revealed to Abraham in prophetic vision centuries
before: "Thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs,
and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; and
also that nation, whom they shall
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serve, will I judge: and afterward shall
they come out with great substance." Genesis 15:13, 14. The four
hundred years had been fulfilled. "And it came to pass the selfsame
day, that the Lord did bring the children of Israel out of the land of
Egypt by their armies." In their departure from Egypt the Israelites
bore with them a precious legacy, in the bones of Joseph, which had so
long awaited the fulfillment of God's promise, and which, during the dark
years of bondage, had been a reminder of Israel's deliverance.
Instead of
pursuing the direct route to Canaan, which lay through the country of the
Philistines, the Lord directed their course southward, toward the shores
of the Red Sea. "For God said, Lest peradventure the people repent
when they see war, and they return to Egypt." Had they attempted to
pass through Philistia, their progress would have been opposed; for the
Philistines, regarding them as slaves escaping from their masters, would
not have hesitated to make war upon them. The Israelites were poorly
prepared for an encounter with that powerful and warlike people. They had
little knowledge of God and little faith in Him, and they would have
become terrified and disheartened. They were unarmed and unaccustomed to
war, their spirits were depressed by long bondage, and they were
encumbered with women and children, flocks and herds. In leading them by
the way of the Red Sea, the Lord revealed Himself as a God of compassion
as well as of judgment.
they took their journey from Succoth, and encamped in Etham, in the edge
of the wilderness. And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of
cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give
them light; to go by day and night. He took not away the pillar of the
cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the
people." Says the psalmist, "He spread a cloud for a covering;
and fire to give light in the night." Psalm 105:39. See also I
Corinthians 10:1, 2. The standard of their invisible Leader was ever with
them. By day the cloud directed their journeyings or spread as a canopy
above the host. It served as a protection from the burning heat, and by
its coolness and moisture afforded grateful refreshment in the parched,
thirsty desert. By night it became a pillar of fire, illuminating their
encampment and constantly assuring them of the divine presence.
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In one of the
most beautiful and comforting passages of Isaiah's prophecy, reference is
made to the pillar of cloud and of fire to represent God's care for His
people in the great final struggle with the powers of evil: "The Lord
will create upon every dwelling place of Mount Zion, and upon her
assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by
night: for above all the glory shall be a covering. And there shall be a
tabernacle for a shadow in the daytime from the heat, and for a place of
refuge, and for a covert from storm and from rain." Isaiah 4:5, 6,
Across a
dreary, desertlike expanse they journeyed. Already they began to wonder
whither their course would lead; they were becoming weary with the
toilsome way, and in some hearts began to arise a fear of pursuit by the
Egyptians. But the cloud went forward, and they followed. And now the Lord
directed Moses to turn aside into a rocky defile, and encamp beside the
sea. It was revealed to him that Pharaoh would pursue them, but that God
would be honored in their deliverance.
In Egypt the
report was spread that the children of Israel, instead of tarrying to
worship in the desert, were pressing on toward the Red Sea. Pharaoh's
counselors declared to the king that their bondmen had fled, never to
return. The people deplored their folly in attributing the death of the
first-born to the power of God. Their great men, recovering from their
fears, accounted for the plagues as the result of natural causes.
"Why have we done this, that we have let Israel go from serving
us?" was the bitter cry.
collected his forces, "six hundred chosen chariots, and all the
chariots of Egypt," horsemen, captains, and foot soldiers. The king
himself, attended by the great men of his realm, headed the attacking
army. To secure the favor of the gods, and thus ensure the success of
their undertaking, the priests also accompanied them. The king was
resolved to intimidate the Israelites by a grand display of his power. The
Egyptians feared lest their forced submission to the God of Israel should
subject them to the derision of other nations; but if they should now go
forth with a great show of power and bring back the fugitives, they would
redeem their glory, as well as recover the services of their bondmen.
The Hebrews
were encamped beside the sea, whose waters
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presented a seemingly
impassable barrier before them, while on the south a rugged mountain
obstructed their further progress. Suddenly they beheld in the distance
the flashing armor and moving chariots betokening the advance guard of a
great army. As the force drew nearer, the hosts of Egypt were seen in full
pursuit. Terror filled the hearts of Israel. Some cried unto the Lord, but
far the greater part hastened to Moses with their complaints:
"Because there were no graves in Egypt, hast thou taken us away to
die in the wilderness? wherefore hast thou dealt thus with us, to carry us
forth out of Egypt? Is not this the word that we did tell thee in Egypt,
saying, Let us alone, that we may serve the Egyptians? For it had been
better for us to serve the Egyptians, than that we should die in the
Moses was
greatly troubled that his people should manifest so little faith in God,
notwithstanding they had repeatedly witnessed the manifestation of His
power in their behalf. How could they charge upon him the dangers and
difficulties of their situation, when he had followed the express command
of God? True, there was no possibility of deliverance unless God Himself
should interpose for their release; but having been brought into this
position in obedience to the divine direction, Moses felt no fear of the
consequences. His calm and assuring reply to the people was, "Fear ye
not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will show to
you today: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today, ye shall see them
again no more forever. The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold
your peace."
It was not an
easy thing to hold the hosts of Israel in waiting before the Lord. Lacking
discipline and self-control, they became violent and unreasonable. They
expected speedily to fall into the hands of their oppressors, and their
wailings and lamentations were loud and deep. The wonderful pillar of
cloud had been followed as the signal of God to go forward; but now they
questioned among themselves if it might not foreshadow some great
calamity; for had it not led them on the wrong side of the mountain, into
an impassable way? Thus the angel of God appeared to their deluded minds
as the harbinger of disaster.
But now, as
the Egyptian host approached them, expecting to make them an easy prey,
the cloudy column rose majestically into the heavens, passed over the
Israelites, and descended between them and the armies of Egypt. A wall of
darkness interposed
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between the pursued and their pursuers. The Egyptians
could no longer discern the camp of the Hebrews, and were forced to halt.
But as the darkness of night deepened, the wall of cloud became a great
light to the Hebrews, flooding the entire encampment with the radiance of
Then hope
returned to the hearts of Israel. And Moses lifted up his voice unto the
Lord. "And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto Me?
speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward. But lift thou up
thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the
children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the
The psalmist,
describing the passage of the sea by Israel, sang, "Thy way was in
the sea, and Thy paths in the great waters, and Thy footsteps were not
known. Thou leddest Thy people like a flock, by the hand of Moses and
Aaron." Psalm 77:19, 20, R.V. As Moses stretched out his rod the
waters parted, and Israel went into the midst of the sea, upon dry ground,
while the waters stood like a wall upon each side. The light from God's
pillar of fire shone upon the foam-capped billows, and lighted the road
that was cut like a mighty furrow through the waters of the sea, and was
lost in the obscurity of the father shore.
Egyptians pursued, and went in after them to the midst of the sea, even
all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots, and his horsemen. And it came to pass,
that in the morning watch the Lord looked unto the host of the Egyptians
through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, and troubled the host of the
Egyptians." The mysterious cloud changed to a pillar of fire before
their astonished eyes. The thunders pealed and the lightnings flashed.
"The clouds poured out water; the skies sent out a sound: Thine
arrows also went abroad. The voice of Thy thunder was in the whirlwind;
the lightning lightened the world: the earth trembled and shook."
Psalm 77:17, 18, R.V.
The Egyptians
were seized with confusion and dismay. Amid the wrath of the elements, in
which they heard the voice of an angry God, they endeavored to retrace
their steps and flee to the shore they had quitted. But Moses stretched
out his rod, and the piled-up waters, hissing, roaring, and eager for
their prey, rushed together and swallowed the Egyptian army in their black
As morning
broke it revealed to the multitudes of Israel all that remained of their
mighty foes--the mail-clad bodies cast
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upon the shore. From the most
terrible peril, one night had brought complete deliverance. That vast,
helpless throng--bondmen unused to battle, women, children, and cattle,
with the sea before them, and the mighty armies of Egypt pressing
behind--had seen their path opened through the waters and their enemies
overwhelmed in the moment of expected triumph. Jehovah alone had brought
them deliverance, and to Him their hearts were turned in gratitude and
faith. Their emotion found utterance in songs of praise. The Spirit of God
rested upon Moses, and he led the people in a triumphant anthem of
thanksgiving, the earliest and one of the most sublime that are known to
"I will
sing unto Jehovah, for He hath triumphed gloriously;
The horse and his rider hath He thrown into the sea.
The Lord is my strength and my song,
And He is become my salvation:
This is my God, and I will praise Him;
My father's God, and I will exalt Him.
The Lord is a man of war:
Jehovah is His name.
Pharaoh's chariots and his host hath He cast into the sea:
And his chosen captains are sunk in the Red Sea.
The deeps cover them:
They went down into the depths like a stone.
Thy right hand, O Lord, is glorious in power,
Thy right hand, O Lord, dasheth in pieces the enemy. . .
Who is like unto Thee, O Lord, among the gods?
Who is like Thee, glorious in holiness,
Fearful in praises, doing wonders? . . .
Thou in Thy mercy hast led the people which Thou has redeemed:
Thou hast guided them in Thy strength to Thy holy habitation.
The peoples have heard, they tremble. . . .
Terror and dread falleth upon them;
By the greatness of Thine arm they are as still as a stone;
Till Thy people pass over, O Lord,
Till the people pass over which Thou hast purchased.
Thou shalt bring them in, and plant them in the mountain of Thine
The place, O Lord, which Thou hast made for Thee to dwell in."
Exodus 15:1-16, R.V.
Like the
voice of the great deep, rose from the vast hosts of Israel that sublime
ascription. It was taken up by the women of Israel, Miriam, the sister of
Moses, leading the way, as they went
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forth with timbrel and dance. Far
over desert and sea rang the joyous refrain, and the mountains re-echoed
the words of their praise--"Sing ye to Jehovah, for He hath triumphed
This song and
the great deliverance which it commemorates, made an impression never to
be effaced from the memory of the Hebrew people. From age to age it was
echoed by the prophets and singers of Israel, testifying that Jehovah is
the strength and deliverance of those who trust in Him. That song does not
belong to the Jewish people alone. It points forward to the destruction of
all the foes of righteousness and the final victory of the Israel of God.
The prophet of Patmos beholds the white-robed multitude that have
"gotten the victory," standing on the "sea of glass mingled
with fire," having "the harps of God. And they sing the song of
Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb." Revelation
unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto Thy name give glory, for Thy mercy,
and for Thy truth's sake." Psalm 115:1. Such was the spirit that
pervaded Israel's song of deliverance, and it is the spirit that should
dwell in the hearts of all who love and fear God, In freeing out souls
from the bondage of sin, God has wrought for us a deliverance greater than
that of the Hebrews at the Red Sea. Like the Hebrew host, we should praise
the Lord with heart and soul and voice for His "wonderful works to
the children of men." Those who dwell upon God's great mercies, and
are not unmindful of His lesser gifts, will put on the girdle of gladness
and make melody in their hearts to the Lord. The daily blessings that we
receive from the hand of God, and above all else the death of Jesus to
bring happiness and heaven within our reach, should be a theme for
constant gratitude. What compassion, what matchless love, has God shown to
us, lost sinners, in connecting us with Himself, to be to Him a peculiar
treasure! What a sacrifice has been made by our Redeemer, that we may be
called children of God! We should praise God for the blessed hope held out
before us in the great plan of redemption, we should praise Him for the
heavenly inheritance and for His rich promises; praise Him that Jesus
lives to intercede for us.
offereth praise," says the Creator, "glorifieth Me." Psalm
50:23. All the inhabitants of heaven unite in praising God. Let us learn
the song of the angels now, that we may sing it when we join their shining
ranks. Let us say with the psalmist, "While
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I live will I praise the
Lord: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being."
"Let the people praise Thee, O God; let all the people praise
Thee." Psalms 146:2; 67:5.
God in His
providence brought the Hebrews into the mountain fastnesses before the
sea, that He might manifest His power in their deliverance and signally
humble the pride of their oppressors. He might have saved them in any
other way, but He chose this method in order to test their faith and
strengthen their trust in Him. The people were weary and terrified, yet if
they had held back when Moses bade them advance, God would never have
opened the path for them. It was "by faith" that "they
passed through the Red Sea as by dry land." Hebrews 11:29. In
marching down to the very water, they showed that they believed the word
of God as spoken by Moses. They did all that was in their power to do, and
then the Mighty One of Israel divided the sea to make a path for their
The great
lesson here taught is for all time. Often the Christian life is beset by
dangers, and duty seems hard to perform. The imagination pictures
impending ruin before and bondage or death behind. Yet the voice of God
speaks clearly, "Go forward." We should obey this command, even
though our eyes cannot penetrate the darkness, and we feel the cold waves
about our feet. The obstacles that hinder our progress will never
disappear before a halting, doubting spirit. Those who defer obedience
till every shadow of uncertainty disappears and there remains no risk of
failure or defeat, will never obey at all. Unbelief whispers, "Let us
wait till the obstructions are removed, and we can see our way
clearly;" but faith courageously urges an advance, hoping all things,
believing all things.
The cloud
that was a wall of darkness to the Egyptians was to the Hebrews a great
flood of light, illuminating the whole camp, and shedding brightness upon
the path before them. So the dealings of Providence bring to the
unbelieving, darkness and despair, while to the trusting soul they are
full of light and peace. The path where God leads the way may lie through
the desert or the sea, but it is a safe path.
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